Kuchiva Naturals

16 Days Campaign 2021

Stories from Zimbabwean Women

Princess Bayayi


I am a young entrepreneur in her early 20’s specializing in afro hair dressing. I started my own business to inspire other young women and prove that as young women we can own our own businesses. I chose hairdressing because of my passion for beauty and expression of that beauty in different ways. My business supports other women’s small businesses by buying hair products, hair accessories from other women. All my suppliers are female. When clients leave my salon, they always leave feeling more confident and with a spring in their step. Over the years I’ve seen women excel in all aspects of their lives, even their careers because of the confidence boost from a good hairstyle. My employees also report financial emancipation and confidence to step out of abusive relationships. I have 2 employees, both female. Because my business is 100% female, I have not seen GBV in the workplace. We all tend to work in harmony, and I promote a free environment allowing for dialogue.

My message to any woman or girl in situations of potential violence is “Emancipate yourself, get some life skills and get your own income. It gives you so much financial freedom to choose leaving toxic relationships.”

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